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ISO 9001:2000 Certificate
Quality is a priority in all areas of Education Centre activity. In September 2004 Education Centre and schools run by us were granted an International Quality Certificate as a result of certificate audit carried out by CERTQUA Association Certificate Commission. The certificate testifies that we respect and abide by DIN EN ISO 9001:2000 standard.

Centrum Edukacji received this highly appreciated quality sign for effective introduction and functioning of Quality Management System within designing and realising educational processes, both theoretically and practically, as well as accompanying administrative tasks.

The essence of the introduced system is to obtain the highest possible level of customer satisfaction connected with rendered services, both in the scope of course education as well as education offered at schools run by Education Centre. We are continuously improving the level of our services by means of permanent and partnership-based cooperation with our customers through a systematic recognition of their needs and expectations as well as effective elimination of potential weak points.

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